Considerations about official localized editions of Live CDs

Adi Roiban adi at
Fri Dec 18 15:28:02 UTC 2009

În data de Vi, 18-12-2009 la 22:39 +0800, JimHu a scris:
> What I think it will be great is that we can have an offical localized
> LiveCD at least for CJK users, not the way to solve those localize
> problem in the LiveCD session we already have now.

I encourage local communities to create their own LiveCD and host them
on their local website.

For people without basic knowledge of english, browsing is
not necessary an easy task... so the website or download instructions
should also be provided in different languages.

I tried to followed the documentation from LiveCDCustomization wiki
page, and everything was smooth.
I asked some community members to test the image and then hosted the
image on .

It would be nice to have the image already created by someone else, but
I think this is something a community can do. 

Maybe we can have a session about LiveCD customization during the next
Ubuntu Developers Week (or maybe we already did, I did not checked the

Also maybe we should seek ways in which we can encourage local
communities to create and support localized editions of Live CDs.


Adi Roiban

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