Considerations about official localized editions of Live CDs

Arne Goetje arne.goetje at
Fri Dec 18 14:18:16 UTC 2009

JimHu wrote:
> Totally agree with you.  CJK users can only do very little daily jobs
> with LiveCD.  They can't type their own language, so that they can't
> search the Internet looking for infomation, using OOo to edit
> documents, or chat with freinds in their native languages.
> And CJK are so different as those Latin based language, it's quite
> hard for these users to learn English, especially Chinese users.
> LiveCD session is useless to those who don't know English well, thus
> marketing and promotion are quite poor in such area.

The CJK input methods are not installed on the LiveCD, because they take
a lot of space, which we don't have. However, it is possible to install
them in the running session and they should be immediately available
after installation and following IBus configuration if you run it in a
CJK locale. (IBus does not require a restart to activate the changes.)


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