Ubuntu Advanced?
Dane Mutters
dmutters at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 17:09:53 UTC 2009
> > skripts, that generate configurationfiles, for everything they see and
> > keep it forever
> > - better tested (community is there to help, some unixers would like
> > easy-to-maintain systems for ther families too)
> But it is already tested a lot and it is easy to maintain for
> families, there are lot of stories about grandma using Ubuntu floating
> around.
> > - A centralized configuration that is under /etc/ and not too often
> > changed by scripts, only if that is explicitly necessary.
> It is already done, as a basic principle of Debian and therefore Ubuntu too.
> > And a bit more tidied-up configuration-tools that really use /etc/
> > like the admin does.
> Yes, I agree, some nice guis for some uncovered system settings would be nice.
> > Ubuntu was so nice and tidy, because of its debian-flavour in the
> > beginnig and now its too much affected by many skript-features, that
> > make your life hard.
Just an example that I was arguing with yesterday: /etc/resolv.conf.
It's auto-generated by NetworkManager. I like NM; don't get me wrong,
but if you need to change the DNS (or other) settings from the command
prompt, it's really a pain.
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