Why Ubuntu is not ready for prime time

Jonathan Ernst jonathan at ernstfamily.ch
Thu Aug 27 15:51:16 UTC 2009


Le jeudi 27 août 2009 à 18:06 +0300, Dotan Cohen a écrit :
> 2009/8/27 Jonathan Taylor <gringras at gmail.com>:
> > terminal in emergencies.  But Linix? If I go to one of the libraries of
> > programs, how can I tell one from the other?  They are not categorized.

I guess Jonathan Taylor is joking or trolling here, one of the main
advantage of using Linux distributions for desktops is that every
application is automatically categorized where, on Windows, every
application is NOT categorized...

Start->Programs->Adobe->Photoshop v.x->Photoshop


Applications->Graphics->The Gimp Image Editor

Using Applications/Add&Remove shows the same, logical, categories as

> KDE makes this easier by listing things as "Firefox (web browser)" but
> it still could be better.

GNOME does the same; each application has it's purpose appended to it's
name : Firefow Web Browser, Pidgin Instant Messenger.


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