Two packages form Ubuntu 8.04 (amd64)

Jean-Christophe Cazenave cazenave at
Mon Aug 3 03:29:39 UTC 2009


I use Linux for about 15 years and Ubuntu (Kubuntu) for a couple of months.

I made these two little packages:

glimpse: , a tool for indexing text files in a 
tree of directories

bash-4.0: my objective was to use associative arrays (the current man is 
currently based on bash-3.2 and doesn't tell anything about that, but
the online documentation does: I 
have compiled it with the whole bunch of currrent patchs.

For instance:

bash-4.0$ cat (I found the script on the net, I 
don't remember where)
declare -A ASSOC

ASSOC[First]="first element"
ASSOC[Hello]="second element"
ASSOC[Peter Pan]="A weird guy"

echo "${ASSOC[First]}"
echo "${ASSOC[Hello]}"
echo "${ASSOC[Peter Pan]}"

bash-4.0$ ./
first element
second element
A weird guy  (among othe things, "declare -A" does not exist in 
bash-3.02), this example will ever return "first element" 3 times.

By the way, this is the version of (K)ubuntu I use (on amd64 platform):

root at pc144:~/Admin# cat /etc/lsb-release

It seems useless to modify bash_completion (?). I get into directories 
with a command like this: cd "Some Weird & Bizarre Directory"

Could somenoe tell where where I could upload my deb files ?

Best regards.

Jean-Christophe CAZENAVE
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