PPA: how to build for karmic

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Sun Aug 2 07:54:30 UTC 2009

Hello David,

David MENTRE [2009-08-01 21:25 +0200]:
> I have successfully build a source package and uploaded it to my
> PPA. Unfortunately, by default the PPA is for Jaunty while I wanted to
> build the package for Karmic.

Just a small addition to Max' answer: If you look at a PPA at the web
UI, you will see Jaunty URLs by default (if your PPA has jaunty
packages, anyway), simply because that's the current stable release
and the most common use case. There is a combobox where you can select
any release which your PPA has packages for.


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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