PPA: how to build for karmic

David MENTRE dmentre at linux-france.org
Sat Aug 1 19:25:13 UTC 2009


I have successfully build a source package and uploaded it to my
PPA. Unfortunately, by default the PPA is for Jaunty while I wanted to
build the package for Karmic.

As far as I have understood, one needs to tell the requested Ubuntu
release using a .dput.cf configuration parameter "incoming =
~<lp_name>/ppa/ubuntu/<a ubuntu suite>", where "<a ubuntu suite>" is
"karmic", "jaunty", etc. 

Is this correct? Is there a way to make a PPA dedicated to a given

If I want to have the same package for different releases (jaunty and
karmic for example), how do I must proceed?

GPG/PGP key: A3AD7A2A David MENTRE <dmentre at linux-france.org>
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