
Lars Wirzenius lars at
Mon Apr 27 14:03:52 UTC 2009

ma, 2009-04-27 kello 09:41 -0400, Mackenzie Morgan kirjoitti:
> On Monday 27 April 2009 1:51:51 am Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> > Flegita doesn't find my scanner, which is attached to another computer,
> > and shared across the network with the net backend of SANE.
> I didn't know XSane could do that either.  My printer/scanner is also 
> networked, but I always plug it right into my laptop for scanning.

Wanting to verify this, I noticed that something broken my SANE setup.

Therefore I take back what I said about flegita: it does seem to support
the net backend for SANE. So do xsane and gscan2pdf.

Of these three, gscan2pdf would seem to wins hands down both for
usability and usefulness, from my point of view. For example, flegita
doesn't seem to have an obvious way to preview the scanned pages, before
they're saved to disk.

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