Strange kind of spam related to this list

tacone tacone at
Wed Apr 1 14:12:00 UTC 2009

>>> I am receiving more and more "blub" messages from
>>> www-data at, in response to messages that I posted on
>>> this list. I attach an example, if someone has information about it just
>>> let me know.
> These aren't actually sent via the list, but come directly from some
> external smtp server.  There isn't (I don't think) much to be done except
> treat them as you normally do spam. is part of the free (and paid) dynamic dns provider Services like that terminate accounts very easily when
they get a sufficent number spam report. Of course this doesn't
prevent the spammer from spamming using other means, but can at least
disturb him.
Forward your complains here. Be sure to include URLs or proofs of the abuses.
abuse at


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