use imdb-thumbnailer as movie thumbnailer

David Prieto frandavid100 at
Tue Sep 23 18:42:38 UTC 2008

Hi, I originally sent this proposal to Launchpad:

I would like Nautilus to use imdb-thumbnailer to create video
thumbnails. According to this forum thread
(, it searches imdb for
covers based on the file names and if no cover is found the default
thumbnailer is used.

An example of the results can be seen in this screenshot:

I believe that the cover is more representative of a movie than a video
frame. After all it's the cover (or the poster) you see when you go to
the cinema to watch the movie or to the videoclub to rent it. So it's
probably easier to recognize it visually through the cover, than through
a video file.

Files whose cover is not found still use video frames anyway, so there
isn't really a downside to it.

Any thoughts?

PS- I'm not subscribed to the list, so please CC me if you reply.

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