print problems with Cadsoft Eagle & Intrepid

richard.bown at richard.bown at
Thu Oct 30 08:20:28 UTC 2008

Hi guys

I upgraded to intrepid a few weeks ago, and no real major problems.
Last night I went to print out a printed circuit board and found
I can no longer print with Cadsoft Eagle.
The print dialog box on this app shows no printer, just greyed out.
The machine is a dual athlon 64 bit, plenty of RAM, and the printer is 
an Epson R285.

I've tried deinstalling all the gutenprint drivers, and CUPS.
I can print normally from Gimp and other graphics apps, all at the same 
resolution 2880 x 2880.
I've been installing updates as they occur so the machine is upto date 
with intrepid.

Something has changed in the last week or so.

Has anyone seen anything like this or ideas on fixing it, Its fairly 
urgent as its all tied up with
my work.



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