tablet-support in Ubuntu

Timo Aaltonen tjaalton at
Mon Oct 6 13:37:07 UTC 2008

On Sun, 5 Oct 2008, Loïc Martin wrote:

>> Now the workarounds:
>> -If you like to disable input-hotplug completely, add 'Option 
>> "AutoAddDevices" "false"' to the ServerFlags-section. Then you are on your 
>> own, and get to keep both pieces.
> The syntax is the xorg.conf one, however I see no ServerFlags or even Server 
> sections in Intrepid's xorg.conf. Do you mean Section "ServerLayout", and if 
> not in which file is the option "AutoAddDevices" supposed to go?

No, you have to add the ServerFlags-section yourself, see man xorg.conf.

>> -If you like to just skip i-h for a single device you have, add an fdi file 
>> to /etc/hal/fdi/policy which matches your device and leaves 
>> input.x11_driver empty. Then you can configure that device in xorg.conf and 
>> prosper.
> I tried that, but failed. There's two problems as an user :
> 1. The only example file in /etc/hal/fdi/policy, " preferences.fdi" is about 
> hotpluggable storage devices
> <device>
>   <match key="storage.hotpluggable" bool="false">
>     <match key="storage.removable" bool="false">
>       <merge key="storage.automount_enabled_hint" type="bool">false</merge>
>     </match>
>   </match>
> </device>
> What is the syntax for a wacom tablet, and what is the syntax for a joystick?

Copy the file provided by the driver from 
/usr/shale/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/ and edit as you like. Note that 
for joysticks you just need to run 'lshal' and attach that to a bug 
report. The driver doesn't ship an fdi file yet, but it will be fixed 
soon, and the more coverage we get for various devices the better.

> 2. Wacom Cintiq 12wx shows as both /dev/input/tablet-cintiq12wx and 
> /dev/input/wacom.
> Does it need 2 fdi in /etc/hal/fdi/policy, and if so does it need duplicate 
> entries in xorg.conf?

No and no.

> To update Ubuntu community documentation, I think it's better to chose your 
> second solution (skip i-h for a single device).
> Then, since Ubuntu's xorg.conf doesn't have any configuration for wacom 
> devices anymore, are the lines from 
> still good - for 
> example added at the end of /etc/X11/xorg.conf? Bryce Harrington (cced) 
> edited the page two month ago : "*This content is quite old and may not be 
> applicable to current versions of Ubuntu."
> *


should work if evdev doesn't grab the device.

> Is there anything to add to xorg.conf for joysticks?

No, the fdi method is enough.


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