Intrepid amd64 Live CD beta testing

Loïc Martin loic.martin3 at
Fri Oct 3 19:05:54 UTC 2008

Brian Murray a écrit :
> On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 02:41:34PM +0200, Loïc Martin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> While previous Intrepid amd64 Live CD works perfectly, the Beta one 
>> released yesterday doesn't manage to configure properly X on my computer 
>> (Nvidia 7900GS 256Mo PCIe, Iiyama Prolite B2403WS through VGA port). The 
>> screen has vertical colored bars (green/gray/yellow) and going to the 
>> console, killing gdm, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg blocks at the end 
>> (starting X from another console doesn't work :
>> No screens found.
>> I'd like top report in Launchpad, but I'm not sure what I should report 
>> it against. Also, is there any special tags (except of course 
>> regression-potential) for the Beta?
> Bug reports regarding X can generally be filed against the 'xorg'
> package, and if necessary they will be moved to the correct package by
> the Ubuntu X team.  Additionally, you'll want to include your
> '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' file and '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' from the Live CD.
> You can find out more about debugging X at
  Thanks. With Xorg.0.log I managed to troubleshot the problem - seems 
like the LiveCD can't run with 2 monitors plugged on an Nvidia card, 
even when one of the two isn't on. Since my Cintiq was disconnected, and 
the control box was unplugged, I discarded it, but as long as the 
DVI>DVI cable is connected, it manages to pick it up.

I've marked my bug report as a dupe 
(, install 
failure if 2 both monitors are active)


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