Alpha 1 freeze ahead

Jeff Shanhahan jeffshanahan at
Sat Nov 15 21:46:24 UTC 2008

Is OpenOffice 3 included in  this release?

Jeff Shanahan

Steve Langasek wrote:
> Dear Ubuntu developers,
> The expected release date of Jaunty Alpha 1 is next Thursday, November 20.
> Between end-of-year holidays and a late UDS this year (in December)[1], this
> makes for an unusual start to the release cycle, with our first milestone
> happening before the spec process is really even under way.  As such, the
> targets for Alpha 1 are fairly modest, consisting mainly of merging the
> installer for Jaunty and making sure things are an installable state.
> But don't let that deter you if you have something great and immodest that
> you're planning to dazzle us with this week!
> We will continue to use a "soft freeze" for main for the Jaunty Alpha
> milestones[2].  This means that developers are asked to refrain from
> uploading packages between Tuesday and Thursday which don't bring us closer
> to releasing the alpha, so that these days can be used for settling the
> archive and fixing any remaining showstoppers.
> The "list" of bugs targeted for alpha-1 can be found at:
> Per the policy described at <>, this
> list is used for tracking bugs that are blockers for the alpha 1 milestone -
> so as you can see, the list is currently quite short.  If you know of other
> bugs that should be considered blockers, please nominate them for release
> and set the milestone target for those bugs.  If you have questions about
> whether a bug should be considered a blocker, please contact a member of the
> release team[3].
> And of course, please also consider helping with the bugs already listed
> there if you have the time.
> Beyond that short list of bugs that are blockers for Alpha 1, we have those
> bugs that are listed as release-critical for jaunty as a whole:
> If you aren't among the small group of people who have milestoned bugs
> assigned to you, please consider helping with those bugs, using your best
> judgement with regard to the alpha freeze when uploading fixes.
> Please also help us to get the archive in a consistent state for the alpha,
> as described on
> <>.
> Finally, if you know of new features in Jaunty that you think should be
> highlighted for Alpha 1, let me or another member of the release team know
> so that they can be added to the technical overview at
> <>.
> Cheers,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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