Wacom tablets, TabletPC and Xorg support for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)

Dan Colish dcolish at gmail.com
Sun Nov 9 18:19:54 UTC 2008

Hi Loic,

The move away from xorg.conf has been to a new hal integration. Please see
the documentation in the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input
Configuring  an fdi for your tablet hardware should not be any more
difficult than an xorg and could probably be accomplished by a script. I
believe that the move to hal support for input devices will make the
autoconfiguration much more robust in the long run and hopefully give
xserver the ability to "just work".


On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Loïc Martin <loic.martin3 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Since Hardy, Ubuntu doesn't provides any configuration for Wacom tablets
>  any more (Gutsy had the lines commented out, but they were there to be
> used if necessary). Part of the reason not to provide commented out
> lines might have been the abscence of a ServerLayout section in
> xorg.conf with new Xorg servers - just uncommenting some lines might
> lead to problems.
> The move away from xorg.conf makes it really hard for Wacom tablet and
> TabletPC users to configure their hardware. Most documentation they find
> isn't valid anymore (one of the problem is creating a ServerLayout with
> just the lines for the wacom devices, with X failing to start as a
> result), and even with up-to-date documentation users have to figure
> themselves what device they should configure, make sure they don't mix
> lines between serial and USB tablets (most users would imagine their
> TabletPC to be USB, which is most often wrong), and not forget the
> special line for TabletPC, which is absent from most howto. We still
> maintain the documentation at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom,
> but when (if) users find it it's often after their install is messed up.
> Graphic tablets are getting more common due to cheaper models, and even
> if you're not a graphic artist, you'll find Wacom devices in many TabletPC.
> With Intrepid, the stylus input is recognised by HAL when the file
> 10-wacom.fdi is present (comes with xserver-xorg-input-wacom. However,
> only the stylus can be configured by this method. No eraser, no pad, no
> touch, no cursor.
> See
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2008-September/005778.html
> > Note that the wacom driver doesn't fully support input-hotplug, since
> > currently you need to initialize the driver multiple times to enable
> > stylus/pen/foo, and that's not possible to do with HAL. The wacom fdi
> file
> > configures the device as stylus..
> Traditionnal graphical configuration tools like wacomcpl ("mandatory"
> for LCD tablets like TabletPC and Cintiq tablets, it's included in
> wacom-tools since Intrepid) don't work anymore since they assume hard
> coded device names (stylus, eraser, cursor...) - see
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=9d40e4ef0811072319r51d8b4c5sc3553db2627104c6%40mail.gmail.com
> ********************
> Now to the problem at hand for Jaunty:
> Talking about using 3 (or more) different devices for wacom input
> (instead of just the stylus like in Intrepid)
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2008-September/005780.html
> On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, Timo Aaltonen wrote:
> > It has been confirmed by upstream that what you propose is not possible
> to
> > do with HAL, but instead the driver should use NewInputDeviceRequest() to
> > accomplish the same. Unfortunately, that'll take some time, but here's
> > hoping that the next six months are enough to have that in time for
> > Jaunty. Someone needs to kick^H^H^H^Hask upstream  :)
> Where upstream means linuxwacom, see
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2008-October/005837.html
> > I was referring to linuxwacom upstream, which should be aware of the
> problems
> > with input-hotplug, but has not done anything about it AFAIK.
> I contacted upstream, and their answer can be found at:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=167e8a330811070926n3024605m7bd7baa6e24bfedf%40mail.gmail.com
> Here is an extract:
> > Hotplugg is a server-wide issue. It will be resolved for all input
> devices
> > in Xorg, not just for Wacom devices.
> >
> >
> >> - does wacomcpl support the fdi method? It doesn't recognise anything on
> my
> >> setup, but it could also be a bug in the Ubuntu version.
> >
> >
> > fdi isn't part of linuxwacom project. It belows to Xorg. The distributor,
> I
> > think, will include it once it is ready.
> >
> > Ping
> So what is Xorg going to do about wacom devices support, and how can we
> make sure that, after one year, this support (or a distribution
> solution) will at least make it into Jaunty?
> Loïc
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