Ubuntu 8.10 significantly slower than previous versions

Chris Coulson chrisccoulson at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 6 15:24:59 UTC 2008

2008/11/6 mr <mrintegrity at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> According to the recent benchmarking article by Phoronix, the previous two
> releases of Ubuntu are significantly slower than Feisty Fawn. In some cases
> this can be seen as up to 50% performance drop with certain desktop tasks.
> I can confirm that this is true in that my girlfriends desktop used to be
> quite capable of playing a 1080p x264 video but since upgrading to gutsy and
> then hardy it has become unwatchable, even mplayer reports that "YOUR
> I think that the reasons behind this reduction in performance across the
> board needs some serious investigation and work done to reverse this trend.
> At the moment I am faced with either running an old distro or upgrading
> hardware.
> Any discussion on this is welcome :)
> Thanks,
> Alan
> Phoronix article:
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_bench_2008&num=1
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