rename system-cleaner-gtk to cruft-remover-gtk

Charlie Kravetz cjk at
Mon Nov 3 14:22:55 UTC 2008

On Mon, 3 Nov 2008 13:27:29 +0000
"Justin M. Wray" <wray.justin.ubuntu at> wrote:

> Maybe this is my misinterpertation of the purpose of the application,
> but I am unsure that a whitelist/blacklist would be the right
> solution.
> Correct me if I am wrong, but the tool removes apps that are not in
> the repository (for whatever reason; manually install, obsolete,
> etc).  Why would we white list such apps?  If such a use case exists
> for the package to stay on the system (example - manually installed
> apps) should the app not exist in the repository?
> On that note, maybe we can obtain statistics (with permission) of
> debs that are installed manually and do not exist in the repository.
> This data can then be used to prioritize applications that need
> packaging or upgrading.  We can base priority on the number of
> instances we see...etc.
> Thought?
> Thanks,
> Justin M. Wray
> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "(``-_-´´) -- Fernando" <ubuntu at>
> Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 11:34:24 
> To: <ubuntu-devel-discuss at>
> Subject: Re: rename system-cleaner-gtk to cruft-remover-gtk

I have apps that I installed using a .deb file, but never added the
repository I downloaded them from to sources.list. I don´t believe that
the fact that the app has been installed is enough to assume that it is
listed in the repositories. 

There are many apps available which official repositories do not list,
and the user can install on their own. That they elect not to add the
repository to the list should not be reason to say the app is not
needed by the user.

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914          []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           []

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