rename system-cleaner-gtk to cruft-remover-gtk

Lars Wirzenius lars at
Mon Nov 3 12:43:34 UTC 2008

ma, 2008-11-03 kello 10:30 +0000, Matthew East kirjoitti:
> If there is genuinely no way of keeping the system clean without some
> user intervention, then certainly there is a use for such a program.

There is really no way of knowing for certain that a given package is or
is not required by the user, in the general case. In some cases a
heuristic can be good enough to be used without asking the user, but in
many cases there is no such heuristic.

For example, if ubuntu-desktop drops a dependency on, say, a
hypothetical spreadsheet-application package, that doesn't mean it
should be removed when the system is upgraded to the next release. The
user might be using the application heavily, and would be quite upset to
have it removed, even if there is another, compatible, but different
program now installed by default (think gnumeric vs oo-calc: both work,
more or less equally well, but they're different enough that a user
might have a strong preference for one or the other).

Thus, I am of the opinion that a tool to do cleanup, in collaboration
with the user, is a good idea. I am, obviously, biased. I freely admit,
though, that the current user interface needs review and improvement,
and I welcome all help I can get.

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