rename system-cleaner-gtk to cruft-remover-gtk

Matthew East mdke at
Mon Nov 3 08:11:03 UTC 2008

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Lars Wirzenius <lars at> wrote:
> ma, 2008-11-03 kello 08:17 +0100, Mario Vukelic kirjoitti:
>> On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 11:31 +0530, shirish wrote:
>> > had to rename it to cruft-remover-gtk due
>> > to trademark related names.
>> Non-technical users have absolutely no idea what "cruft" means.
>> Wikipedia correctly says, "Cruft is computing jargon"
> Hmmm. That is, unfortunately, a very good point. Not sure what would be
> the best way to deal with that.

It's to remove the word.

The whole application needs a thorough review. To be honest, it's
pretty surprising that it was included by default in Intrepid,
considering the high quality of presentation of the rest of the
desktop. For me, it has the feeling of an application that was rushed
in without much attention to detail. Aside from the unfortunate name
(it would work for a geeky superhero, but not an application on a
professional desktop), here are some other issues:

1. The menu entry has no icon and the menu entry tooltip is long and unwieldy.

2. The application window contains an "explanation" of what the
program is. It says "This application helps you get rid of cruft".
Considering that the program is called "Cruft Remover", that doesn't
really take things very far!

3. It's unclear from the application window what is actually going to
happen to the things which are ticked in the window if you click
"Apply". A user won't know whether to tick, or to untick a box in
order to uninstall a particular package.

Matthew East
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