Incomplete with no response >30 days

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Mon May 26 19:11:30 UTC 2008

On Monday 26 May 2008 14:25, Caroline Ford wrote:
> 2008/5/26 Henrik Nilsen Omma <henrik at>:
> > I second this sentiment. Please give this topic a break now. We had two
> > good discussions at UDS where we looked at both communication and
> > technical issues. The good news is that we may well end up with
> > procedures that are better for all teams involved than what we currently
> > have -- I look forward to reading Scott's draft proposals. Sarah's
> > guideline have been put back while we investigate alternatives.
> Well most of us mere mortals weren't actually at the UDS and have no
> idea what you decided. The lack of love for the bug squad, doing hours
> of grunt work/support is strongly noted.
> Caroline

Right.  And I'm writing this mail instead of trying to write up what we 
discussed for people to look at and have their say since you can't manage to 
respect Henrik's request to "Please give this topic a break now."  

Two choices:

Keep writing mail to the list about how you don't know what was discussed and 
you are upset about it.

Keep you fingers off the keyboard for a little while and give me a chance to 
finish writing it down.

No body is trying to disrespect or disenfranchise anyone.  These sessions were 
no fun at UDS and I don't classify writing up process proposals as enjoyable 
either.  So keep writing and we can go back to I'll write nasty remarks in 
bugs when triagers who don't understand the development process 
inappropriately mark on bugs they don't understand because I really have 
better ways to spend a holiday day (it's a holiday here in the US) than get 
yelled at to do the thing I'm precisely in the middle of doing.

Scott K

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