Making Canonical's/Ubuntu's contributions more visible
Przemysław Kulczycki
przemekkulczycki at
Mon May 19 12:00:02 UTC 2008
I don't know which list is the best to discuss it because there is no
specific list for discussing Ubuntu's website, so sorry for the
duplication. When the thread expands someone could decide to keep it on
only one list.
Now let's get to the point.
One of the often accusations against Ubuntu is that it only takes from
other projects (Debian, Red Hat, Novell/Suse...) and doesn't give back
anything. Ubuntu should make it more visible for others to see what does
it contribute to upstream/floss community.
Red Hat and Novell have websites listing their contributions to free
Canonical or Ubuntu should develop a similar site listing their
contributions to the free software community.
It could include: Upstart, Storm, Bazaar, Jockey, Brainstorm, Ubiquity,
gnome-app-install, migration-assistant, and many more. (with links to
sources of the mentioned software)
This would cut any discussions about Ubuntu being a parasite on other
What do you think about it? Anyone from the website team is reading this?
## Przemysław Kulczycki <<>> Azrael Nightwalker ##
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