Ubuntu boot speed fall in Hardy

Sitsofe Wheeler sitsofe at yahoo.com
Sat May 17 12:20:39 UTC 2008

<posted & mailed>

(``-_-´´) -- Fernando wrote:

> Olá Mackenzie e a todos.
> On Wednesday 14 May 2008 05:14:51 Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
>> The results of using Bootchart to map the GNOME startup process, for the
>> many users that did it, consistently showed gnome-panel as the culprit.
> How does one use bootchart to map GNOME? mine ends on X11.

I just did a quick edit of /etc/init.d/stop-bootchart and added a sleep 30s
just after start) .

Sitsofe | http://sucs.org/~sits/

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