Strip incompatible characters from Windows partitions!

Onno Benschop onno at
Fri May 16 00:12:57 UTC 2008

On 16/05/08 07:44, Evan wrote:
> After trying to transfer some files from Ubuntu to Windows today, I
> discovered a very dangerous problem. I'm not sure if it qualifies as a
> bug, so I haven't yet reported it, but it could be considered one.
> Currently, the only characters that Ubuntu does not support in
> filenames and paths are slashes, while Windows has a considerable list
> (apostrophes, asterisks, etc).
> Creating a file on a Windows drive (NTFS or FAT) in Ubuntu and naming
> it with one of these characters causes Windows to be unable to read
> the file and anything beneath it in the directory structure. This is
> extremely dangerous:
> - renaming files or folders near C:\ on your Windows partition could
> render it unable to boot
> - naming a business document on a flash drive could prevent you from
> opening it that important meeting
> Ubuntu needs to automatically strip these characters (or prompt for a
> rename) when creating/moving/renaming files on NTFS and FAT drives. If
> this gets discovered and released as "Ubuntu causes data corruption on
> Windows drives" it could be a serious black eye.
> Evan
Personally I have not seen this behaviour. Rather than sending a message
to the list, log a bug report, provide specific examples and version
numbers. Show screen shots, logs, whatever you need to prove the issue.

Without those details, your energy in getting excited about this problem
is not that effective in my opinion.

Note that I'm *not* saying that this does not exist, nor am I making a
value statement about the concern, I'm simply stating that the forum for
this issue is a bug report.

Onno Benschop

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