1. Unabel to unmount/eject CD/DVD ? (( ``-_-?? ) -- Fernando)

Arvind K arvindkhadri at gmail.com
Tue May 13 12:34:03 UTC 2008

>Yesterday I was met, with what I think is one of the most >stupid bugs I
ever found.
> When I tried to eject a DVDr, either using nautilus tools or >the drive
eject button, an error popup showed up, telling me >that I wasn't root.
> WTF, now I can't  even eject CDs?

>I had a look at my user permitions and all looked sound, so >what am I
doing wrong, or is this a bug?

Hi Fernado,
Its not a bug,the case you mentioned happens when the process using your
cd-rom isn't killed properly(or isn't killed at all),leaving the system
thinking that the cd is still in use..
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The box said Windoze or better,so i installed Linux
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