Ubuntu boot speed fall in Hardy

Sitsofe Wheeler sitsofe at yahoo.com
Sun May 11 07:27:00 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-05-10 at 17:34 +0200, Markus Hitter wrote:
> Am 10.05.2008 um 11:58 schrieb Sitsofe Wheeler:
> > I've noticed that Ubuntu's boot speed seems to have taken a fall in
> > Hardy.
> How would one notice? Is Hardys hibernating/standby still so flaky  
> one is forced to shut down the computer more than once a month?

You notice if you ever start a live CD (although really that's a
different case). I notice because suspend to ram has never worked on my
machine (there's already a year old bug in launchpad about it) and I
like to know that any problems I find aren't due to a bad resume. Then
there are machines using the open source NVIDIA drivers can't resume
after suspend to ram in X due to a lack of information -
http://katzj.livejournal.com/407566.html?thread=350990#t350990 . There
are also machines that are used for shared logins. While they might not
be shutdown you are affected by the time it takes for your desktop to
appear after GDM...

> Maybe such questions appear not serious to some and maybe it even  
> looks like I want to disencourage you, but I'd be much more concerned  
> about standby stability as about boot times.

Hey by all means fix my suspend to ram / resume issue - if you want to
know more let me know. However there are always going to be times when
you do a cold boot (e.g. after doing a kernel upgrade) and some people
just prefer doing shutdowns. Ubuntu has focused on speedy boots in the
past so it seems a shame to quietly erode that work.

Sitsofe | http://sucs.org/~sits/

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