Suggestion to make remote recovery easier

Martin Owens doctormo at
Thu May 8 04:39:41 UTC 2008

Wow, you guys are going at this problem with a ferocious intent.

We are already working on a remote support tool, a lot of what you've
been talking about we have already talked about and built. So far it's
not finished and much work is needed in peer review so if you can lend
your time to looking at:

We would be most grateful. Our plans are remote support using a
combination of reverse tunnel ssh and jabber chat services.

Do let me know if you start another project (coding) or if you figure
out the ideal way of organising ssh.

Best Regards, Martin Owens, Ubuntu-US-MA leader

2008/5/8 John McCabe-Dansted <gmatht at>:
> On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 6:56 AM, Andrew Sayers
> <andrew-ubuntu-devel at> wrote:
> >
> > 1) Creating or modifying an account that has the necessary permissions
> > 2) Creating an SSH connection
> > 3) Destroying or reverting an account to its original state thread.
> >

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