Making apt-get powercut-proof

Andrew Sayers andrew-ubuntu-devel at
Mon May 5 21:35:38 UTC 2008

ffm at wrote:
> Another different but related case is when a package is broken/frozen and
> the user is not able to continue (phpbb2-conf-mysql, I'm looking at you!),
> it would be nice to have a "skip" button for packages that seem to be
> stuck.
> -FFM

"Skip package" wouldn't really work, because later packages might rely
on the package that's hung.  On the other hand, I should imagine it's
possible to kill the process, tidy up any packages that have already
been installed, then give the user the option to remove the offending
package (and any dependencies) before retrying.

Of course, this all goes way beyond my meagre shell-scripting abilities,
so now we're just developing a feature request to present to someone else.

	- Andrew Sayers

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