Development and use - Training manual

Cory K. coryisatm at
Mon May 5 15:35:48 UTC 2008

George Farris wrote:
> Well that's just great.  Now I have to spend time writing a whole new
> manual.  Oh well When I get it finished I will release it here as
> totally free.
> Thanks for writing a great guide and then making it next to totally
> useless Canonical.  Hope you change your mind.
> Cheers all

Thanks for being ungrateful. None of us would be here without them.

In the end, this is an *Ubuntu* mailing list. If you have issue with
Canonical on this subject:

Though some see differently Canonical (albeit a major sponsor) does
*not* = Ubuntu. This is no different than me starting a company and
selling a manual.

-Cory \m/

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