ddcprobe giving strange values
Bastian Wissler
bw21 at mars.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Mar 25 17:09:33 UTC 2008
I discovered that ddcprobe from the most recent xresprobe-package
(xresprobe (0.4.24ubuntu8)) is not giving proper results.
1440x1440 pixels is not supported on our TFT-Monitor - yet ddcprobe
prints out this kind of resolution.
As attachment I added two files (ddcprobe and hwinfo.suse103) with a
computer with 2 displays - ddcprobe just gets the first, but not the
second. With hwinfo from SUSE, there is some info about all of them. Yet
ddcprobe is a better solution for most of the monitors here.
On my Laptop with ATI X600 graphics and 15.4' TFT display `cat
ddcprobe.out` with "edidfail" is the output.
How can I get behind this problems? Is there some command-line option or
a patch available?
Thanks in advance,
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