libc borked

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Thu Mar 13 11:14:23 UTC 2008

On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:29:16 +0100 Soren Hansen <soren at> wrote:
>On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 02:00:03AM -0400, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>> Cory's comment was a bit intemperate, but I feel your response was not
>> at all helpful and that it really minimized Cory's extensive
>> contributions to Ubuntu developmen.
>But it's cool for Cory to flame doko because Cory's a developer?
No, not cool.  I just didn't like the response.  We all write things we 
shouldn't every now and then.  It doesn't mean we need to have random 
strangers sending us form letters.

Scott K

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