making deals with M$

Felix Miata mrmazda at
Sun Jun 8 01:55:59 UTC 2008

On 2008/06/07 21:18 (GMT-0400) Mark Fink apparently typed:

> On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 8:03 PM, Richard A. Johnson wrote:

>> On Saturday 07 June 2008, Mark Fink wrote:

>> | Just like OpenSuSE != Novell, but no one in their right mind would
>> | want to run that distro due to the taint for the same reason!

>> Anybody in their uneducated right mind probably. I run openSUSE and run it
>> happily I might add. Lets take a breath here and step back from the FUD button
>> on your keyboard.

> Spoken like a true Microvell shill.

I have more than 20 working systems, most of which are multiboot. Included
are Xandros, Fedora, Mandriva, Kubuntu, SUSE, Debian, OS/2 & doz. The only
two run 24/7 are OS/2 & SUSE. Xandros and Fedora get only nominal uptime. Of
the rest, Kubuntu gets the least.

SUSE was best Linux before Ubuntu even existed. Its purchase by the blunderer
Novell hasn't yet managed to ruin it. Novell kept a lot of great German
people to keep SUSE good, and a competent community that predates Ubuntu's.
IMO its opensuse (user) mailing list generates a lot better good answers
given to good questions asked ratio than ubuntu-user list does.

IOW, different strokes for different folks, while FUD useless to all.
"Where were you when I laid the earth's
foudation?"		       Matthew 7:12 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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