absurd: network connection required to obtain a network driver

Przemysław Kulczycki przemekkulczycki at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 18:40:42 UTC 2008

Mackenzie Morgan pisze:
> On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Martin Pitt <martin.pitt at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> Przemysław Kulczycki [2008-07-03 20:14 +0200]:
>>> If not, then maybe Canonical could ask Broadcom  for permission to
>>> redistribute these files?
>> That already happened many times, but fell on deaf ears unfortunately.
> And even then, that'd just give Canonical permission to redistribute
> them.  It wouldn't give us (the users who like to make copies of our
> Ubuntu CDs and hand them out) permission.

We're already doing this with ATI and Nvidia drivers, and some wifi and 
modem firmware.

## Przemysław Kulczycki <<>> Azrael Nightwalker ##
# jabber: azrael[na]jabster.pl | tlen: azrael29a #
### www: http://reksio.ftj.agh.edu.pl/~azrael/ ###

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