absurd: network connection required to obtain a network driver

Nergar nergar at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 18:30:40 UTC 2008

I don't think the problem here is whether we get permission to
redistribute it or not, the problem is including closed source material
in the install CD.

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 20:14 +0200, Przemysław Kulczycki wrote:
> Owners of Broadcom 43xx cards are in a very unpleasant situation when 
> they want to install Ubuntu on their laptops/PCs because Ubuntu requires 
> a network connection to fetch the firmware for the b43/bcm43xx driver.
> If you don't have another network interface then you're stuck and have 
> to use another computer or another operating system.
> The b43-fwcutter downloads 2 files from openwrt.org:
> http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl-
> and http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta-
> Maybe the guys from openwrt.org could be asked if redistribution of 
> these files is possible? If not, then maybe Canonical could ask Broadcom 
> for permission to redistribute these files?
> If Ubuntu 8.10 is said to have pervasive network access then we should 
> take care about this issue.
> See bug #29566
> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hw-detect/+bug/29566

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