Alpha 4 freeze ahead

Bryan Quigley gquigs at
Sun Jan 27 20:21:25 UTC 2008

When is Firefox 3 (Beta) going to be in the default hardy install?  We plan
on shipping Firefox 3, so why not include it by default early on to get more

On Jan 25, 2008 11:47 AM, Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at> wrote:

> Hello Ubuntu developers,
> The expected release date of Hardy Alpha 4 is this coming Thursday,
> January
> 31.
> Hardy Alpha 4 will again use a "soft freeze" for main, as described in
> previous announcements[1].  This means that developers are asked to
> refrain
> from uploading packages between Tuesday and Thursday which don't bring us
> closer to releasing the alpha, so that these days can be used for settling
> the archive and fixing any remaining showstoppers.
> The list of bugs targeted for alpha-4 can be found in a couple of
> different
> places, according to your tastes:
> This milestone is intended to be used for tracking bugs that must be fixed
> in order for the alpha release to happen.  If you have doubts about
> whether
> a bug should block the alpha, please err on the side of caution by using
> the
> milestone for the bug so that the release team can review it.  Please also
> consider helping with the bugs already listed there if you have the time.
> The number of bugs blocking the alpha is expected to be relatively small,
> so
> if you don't have any milestoned bugs assigned to you, please consider
> helping with the list of bugs that are listed as release-critical for
> hardy
> as a whole: <>.  Again,
> please
> use your best judgement with regard to the alpha freeze when uploading
> fixes
> for these bugs.
> Please also help us to get the archive in a consistent state again for the
> alpha, as described on
> <>.
> Finally, if you know of new features in Hardy that you think should be
> highlighted for Alpha 4, let me or another member of the release team know
> so that they can be added to the release notes at
> <>.
> Thanks,
> --
> Steve Langasek
> On behalf of the Ubuntu release team
> [1]
> --
> ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list
> ubuntu-devel-announce at
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