Package: hsqldb-server; Version:; Description: Java SQL database server

T. Friske t.friske at
Sat Jan 12 18:21:24 UTC 2008


i found an error in the init script /etc/init.d/hsqldb-server. You find the changes I made attached as a patch file.

The command "/etc/init.d/hsqldb-server status" reports that the HSQL server is not running altough the process id in 
"/var/run/hsqldb/" is active. This happened due to the missing parameter "$type" in "is_running". It should be 
"is_running $type".

The second problem I discovered comes up when you say "/etc/init.d/hsqldb-server stop". With a urlid of just 
"jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost" I get a java.lang.RuntimeException saying that the database alias could not be found. 
Altough the command still closes all databases down, I made a slight modification to the function "run_shutdown". (See 
patch file)

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
Tim Friske
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