Proposal: include Brasero by default

Cory K. coryisatm at
Thu Jan 10 00:46:11 UTC 2008

Bryan Haskins wrote:
> On Jan 9, 2008 4:47 PM, Wouter Stomp <wouterstomp at
> <mailto:wouterstomp at>> wrote:
>     Who takes the final decision on things like this? Or should this be
>     posted elsewhere?
> Devel discuss is probably the best place for a new idea to develop, 
> then someone writes a spec, then it needs a sponsor, and then if it's
> finally decided upon, it could be included as decided.

Talking with the desktop team and/or the tech board might also be
something to do.

Providing _some_ kinda burning app for Ubuntu seems reasonable. If the
space on the disk is there of course. Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Ubuntu
Studio do.

-Cory \m/

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