VOIP: ekiga, wengophone, twinkle (was What is 'administrivia')

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 03:30:56 UTC 2008

On Jan 1, 2008 8:45 PM, Jonathan Musther <jmusther at gmail.com> wrote:

> I agree, we don't have any usage stats.  Although I was defending VOIP, I
> don't know of anybody who has successfully used Ekiga.  Wengo is a
> possibility (I've been trying it) and it supports IM protocols too so you
> can use it for google talk, msn, aim, jabber etc, which is nice.

I forgot about that.  For that matter, it could cover Ekiga & Gaim's
functionality in one app.

Mackenzie Morgan
Linux User #432169
ACM Member #3445683
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