Strawman: Change the Ubuntu Release Cycle

Caroline Ford at
Tue Jan 1 19:38:58 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-01-01 at 14:07 -0500, Mackenzie Morgan wrote:

> I still wouldn't call Gutsy the most unstable release I've used
> though.  That was Dapper, simply by virtue of being released right
> around the same time my laptop was made.  It didn't have time to get
> proper hardware support for it.  It would still be completely unusable
> for me, a year and a half later (when there has been plenty of time),
> because there are no hardware updates available for it, short of
> compiling a vanilla kernel (and what "normal user" is going to do
> that?).  We have LRM for adding support for restricted hardware.
> Couldn't there be a LUM (linux-updated-modules) compiled for LTS to
> add support for newer hardware? 
Actually I'm still on dapper as every release since has had major issues
on my hardware. Edgy hated my zd1211 wifi chipset as it included the
zd1211rw driver which sucks/-ed. Feisty was no better and included the
hated network manager by default which kept breaking stuff and I
couldn't work out how to remove. Gutsy kept locking up and then
evolution crashed, will no longer start and then impounded some email
(clearly some of it was still running..)

I hope Hardy will be stable, even if it involves a delay like with
Dapper. I'd love to be able to upgrade..


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