How to include a part of Wine ... why include wine at all?

Jan Claeys lists at
Wed Feb 13 23:15:44 UTC 2008

Op woensdag 13-02-2008 om 17:53 uur [tijdzone -0500], schreef Daniel
> I have a different but related question:  why is a wine package
> included in the Ubuntu repositories at all?
> Its 5 months old, and the winehq website not only has a package built
> specifically for ubuntu gutsy/whatever, but they have their own
> repository that will allow your install of wine to be automatically
> updated.
> I understand that much of ubuntu software is upgraded on a 6 month
> basis to ensure compatibility, but why include wine in that process
> when the wine devs are probably doing a better job?

I can see at least 2 possible reasons:

      * Not every user will be able to find those 3rd-party
      * Maybe some companies want to say that their software works with
        "WINE in Ubuntu X.YZ", which can't be guaranteed with "random"
        upstream versions.

Jan Claeys

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