"Make sense" keymap to launch gnome-system-monitor?

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Fri Feb 8 18:34:32 UTC 2008

Op vrijdag 08-02-2008 om 12:53 uur [tijdzone -0500], schreef A. Walton:
> On Feb 8, 2008 12:32 PM, Jan Claeys <lists at janc.be> wrote:
> > First of all: why do you need this shortcut for 'gnome-system-monitor'?
> > I guess most people don't understand why this is so important, but I'm
> > sure there are "normal" shortcuts that can be used to launch it if there
> > is really a need for it...
> I could see a use, as this is Ubuntu Studio and not Ubuntu; music
> producers often need to check CPU usage of their software, and avoid
> pegging the CPU to avoid nasty pops, cracks and hisses caused by
> hardware hiccups. While some utilities have this built in, some don't,
> so it's good to keep an eye on CPU usage (and arguably, memory usage
> as well).

You could also add a launcher for g-s-m to the panel...

There is also the panel applet that shows system graphs; clicking it
starts g-s-m.

> As for an accelerator to use for this, pick one, stick with it.
> Ctrl+Alt+` would be my first suggestion, as it's similar to
> Ctrl+Escape, yet less likely to hit on accident by including Alt. If
> that doesn't work, well, fun times ahead.

I don't see any similarity between those two keyboard shortcuts, but
that's probably because I don't think as if I live in the US?   ;-)

Jan Claeys

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