We should also make sure that we _do_ connect!

Vincenzo Ciancia ciancia at di.unipi.it
Sat Dec 27 17:38:19 UTC 2008

Ian Lynch ha scritto:
> Can't say I have noticed a vast issue with stability, but I agree that
> careful consideration of the target market is needed. What is the
> biggest user group/potential user group and does a change work well for
> this group or not?

In the proposal that people seems to be vastly accepting, nothing is 
going to change except a checkbox with a short explanation in one page 
of the installer.

By the way, I forgot to mention that the same page should also be used 
as a reminder to configure a network connection: since n-m for obvious 
reasons does not connect automatically to WIFI nets, there is the 
possibility that the "human being" does not notice that network is down 
before installation, and does not get language packs. That, is, the 
opposite problem of the one discussed here :)

So, after the choice to connect to the internet is accepted, a 
connection should actually be attempted to establish if a network 
connection is available! Are there good reasons not to do so already, or 
is it just lack of manpower?


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