You lost a new Ubuntu user

Ian Lynch ian.lynch at
Sat Dec 27 13:53:17 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-12-27 at 13:30 +0000, richard wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 08:30:52 +0000
> Ian Lynch <ian.lynch at> wrote:
> Big snip and a merry Christmas to you all.
> I've been watching this thread and the one thing that has been missed
> and it doesn't matter what the Intelligence of the user is like.
> But if some one gives you a CD saying this is a complete distro, surely
> no matter how thicK you are you must realise that a complete distro can
> not fit on a 700Mb CD,

Depends on whether you are talking about people on this list or an
average user. I bet 90% of computer users would not know what would and
would not fit on a CD.

>  therefore there is more to be loaded, and when
> it sets up the inet connection it should be obvious that is where the
> additional  is coming from.
> Had the the person have been given a DVD and told this is a complete
> distro, then maybe there might be an excuse for winging about
> additional downloads
> Maybe a case for having  a DVD release so that those without broadband
> can install the complete ish distro, but there will always be a need to 
> get updates

Perhaps USB key releases should be considered. I can see a time when all
discs are obsolete and only solid state will be used because it is cheap
quick and convenient. Since 16 Gb pendrives are available for £20 its
probably possible to include most of the download archives on a single
stick and that might well be less expensive than the internet connection
in some parts of the world. I'd consider paying £25 for something like
this just for the convenience of having everything in a USB.

Nice to hear from you Richard :-) Merry Christmas.

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