Apt GPG key change?

Ethan Baldridge ethan at superiordocumentservices.com
Sun Dec 7 23:00:08 UTC 2008

Worked fine today, thanks.

On Sun, 2008-12-07 at 17:15 +0800, DULMANDAKH Sukhbaatar wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 12:46 AM, Ethan Baldridge
> <ethan at superiordocumentservices.com> wrote:
> > Did Ubuntu's FTP manager change their GPG key in the past couple of
> > days? When I ran apt-get upgrade this morning I got:
> run sudo apt-get update once more, and try again sudo apt-get upgrade
Ethan Baldridge <ethan at superiordocumentservices.com>
Superior Document Services
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