Developemnt and use - Training manual

George Farris farrisg at
Fri Apr 25 16:55:19 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-04-25 at 11:53 +0300, Billy Cina wrote:
> Hi All,
> The purpose of the license is to prevent the material being used for
> profit-seeking purposes. If you (or anyone else) is from a
> not-for-profit institution or running community classes etc., then
> this material is 100% intended for that. Charging students minimal
> fees to cover expenses is also ok.
> Hope this clears any misunderstanding.
> Best regards
> Billy Cina
> Training Programmes Manager

Right, so if we want to use the manual in our Community Education course
to introduce and teach Ubuntu Linux while charging the student a fee for
the course, this would be okay?

Note: these are not degree courses they fall into the same category as
"learn to paint" or "better life through yoga".  Strictly for community
personal interest with charges usually between $50.00 - $199.00

George Farris <farrisg at>
Malapsina University-College

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