xresprobe + Xorg configuration Problems

Bastian Wissler bw21 at mars.uni-freiburg.de
Thu Apr 3 09:13:06 UTC 2008


1.) On multihead graphics "X -configure" does not detect the available 2
Screens. Does anyone know why?

2.) Why is ddcprobe (of xresprobe 0.4.24ubuntu8) not capable of reading
the DDC on a DVI connected screen?
On OpenSuSEs "hwinfo" (very slow) there is an output with the correct data.

As attachment 3 outputs of ddcprobe (Intel DVI, Intel analog, Nvidia
DVI) on a intel865 chipset and on a nvidia chipset (VendorID: 10de
PCIID: 0240).

3.) Why is there a resolution like "1440x1440" in the output?
I can not think of a screen that supports this.

Thanks, Bastian.

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