Should trackerd run in KDE or not? (was [Bug 147017] trackerd vs. strigidaemon)

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at
Sun Sep 30 14:32:58 UTC 2007

Bug 147017 [1] reports that when logging in KDE with Gnome installed,
there will be both trackerd and strigi running, which sounds useless
since both are indexers.

So my question is, should we disable trackerd from starting in KDE? As
Michael Biebl (who is the Debian maintainer for tracker) said, it just
means removing /usr/share/autostart/trackerd.desktop from tracker package.



Michael Biebl wrote:
> It's the file
> /usr/share/autostart/trackerd.desktop
> which autostarts trackerd for kde and
> /etc/xdg/autostart/trackerd.desktop
> which autostarts trackerd for GNOME/XFCE.
> If Ubuntu doesn't want to autostart trackerd for KDE, simply remove
> the former file from debian/tracker.install.

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