Activate Desktop-Effects: Yes/No-Button?

Waldemar Kornewald wkornew at
Thu Sep 27 08:39:41 UTC 2007

Hi, (resending... why do mails not get to the ML, automatically?)

On 9/27/07, Dominik Wagenfuehr <dominik.wagenfuehr at> wrote:
> PS: And yes, I know that you can deactivate Compiz with a few clicks,
> but why do not let the user decide?

Even without that question the user can still decide: Just deactivate Compiz. ;)

But you already mentioned the main reason yourself: Most users are
happy with Compiz being enabled. Do you want to annoy all of them with
a question just to make a minority of users happy? With that reasoning
we could easily expand this to 1000 questions, letting the user choose

Contrary to what some people make us belive, many consumers don't even
want to have a lot of choice in *all* situations of their life (there
have been studies on the negative psychological effects of too much
choice in our modern world). The stereotypical view "choice = good, no
choice = bad" is not as black&white as many people seem to believe.
There is something between "lots of choice" and "no choice" and, as
you said, most people prefer a shiny interface over a boring one. In
some countries (esp. the USA) the ridiculous equation "choice =
freedom" has emerged (and sometimes basically "enslaved" us), but it's
too simple to capture the real meaning behind it which is something
similar to: "freedom+happyness" means to have the *possibility* to
choose and then get what you want.

>From a different point of view, "freedom" means the freedom to *NOT*
have to choose and not be bothered with choice unless we choose to
have choice (I hope this makes it clear that the issue is more complex
than some might think ;).

In this case, this is only guaranteed if you don't ask the user and
let those who want to disable Compiz just do that.

I hope this will some day become a philosophy in the open-source world
(it's only a small, but important step towards better usability).
Ideally, we'd only be presented with *essential* choice and then have
something like a search interface for getting a list of options for
*anything* when we want that choice.

Waldemar Kornewald

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