tracker in gutsy [was: Re: Ubuntu Technical Board meeting, 2007-09-25]

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at
Wed Sep 26 12:16:16 UTC 2007

[Moved to -discuss]

Martin Pitt wrote:
> Hi,
> Matt Zimmerman [2007-09-25 13:10 -0700]:
>> After a wandering discussion about the challenges facing Ubuntu Server,
>> community and Canonical developers and the project in general, Soren's
>> application was approved.  Please welcome him as our newest core developer!
> Congratulations, Soren! Well-earned!
>> Mark Shuttleworth raised Tracker for discussion, which is the subject of an
>> ongoing email exchange between the Board, upstream developers and Ubuntu
>> developers.  There remain some bugs affecting Tracker which make it
>> unsuitable for release with Ubuntu 7.10, but the developers involve hope to
>> have them resolved in time to keep it in the release.  As a contingency
>> plan, Tracker can be easily disabled by default via gconf if the problems
>> are not corrected in time.
> That was my plan, too. Upstream is very cooperative and has worked
> with us closely to have something good for release. He will release
> 0.6.3 very soon

It's already there, although Jamie is working on fixing some memory
leaks, and in fixing bug 130935 [1], which is targeted for beta
(although it won't make the target, obviously).

We should have this just after Beta (on Thursday or Friday), and then
ensure it's Ok to have it by default, fixing any possible bugs it may have.

> now which addresses some of the worst problems like
> stopping indexing when switching to battery, and much better I/O
> behaviour. In particular, he fixed all the 'fix committed' bugs on
> [1], which includes all the critical/high bugs. Very impressive,
> thanks Jamie!
> It's not the type of update we would commonly do after beta, but I
> think it is worth giving a try. Emergency fallback would be to disable
> it by default if the new indexing format gives troubles.

Pretty reasonable. Although I hope it isn't necessary ;)

Have a nice day,

> Thanks,
> Martin
> [1]

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