Ubuntu 7.10 beta approaching

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 14:44:32 UTC 2007

Martin Pitt wrote:
> HI,
> Till Kamppeter [2007-09-18 13:34 +0100]:
>> hplip-gui is marked as a binary-only demotion to Universe. Should it not 
>> stay in main, only not being on the Ubuntu and Xubuntu desktop CDs? On 
>> Kubuntu it should be even seeded to get onto the CD, as Kubuntu ships 
>> the needed python-qt3 by default.
> If it gets seeded to Kubuntu, it'll automatically disappear from the
> component-mismatches.txt files. I keep it in main for now.
> Martin

Please keep hplip-gui also in main if the Kubuntu folks decide against 
seeding it (I highly recommend to them to seed it).


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