CD boot installer for Windows contribution

Evan Dandrea evand at
Fri Sep 7 18:09:51 UTC 2007

On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 06:00:53PM +0200, Krzysztof Lichota wrote:
> It is Windows installer based on Instlux which allows booting system
> from CD without modifying BIOS, by modifying Windows boot loader sequence.
> It is different from Instlux because it does not require kernel nor
> initrd image and it is thus tiny (about 200 KB).
> It does the trick using grldr and its "boot from CD" function.

Instlux was one of the options [1] we evaluated when developing the
installer-for-windows [2] specification, which was partially created to
address the boot order issue.  Ultimately we went with Wubi, which
should be integrated in the LiveCD very soon.

The functionality to fix the boot order issue has been implemented as
another option in Wubi, which is the ideal course anyway as it does not
make sense to have both Wubi and a modified Instlux as part of the

I do appreciate the intended contribution though, and I am glad that it
solves the problem for your derivative.



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